Thursday, March 8, 2012

Whatcha Lookin At?

I’m at that awkward stage in my pregnancy where I look as though “Yeah she could be pregnant” or “OMG, she looks like she did after her freshman year at KSC.” I’m more towards looking like I need to put down the Bud Heavy’s than a cute baby bump. So I’m completely self conscious when I’m around people that don’t know I’m pregnant and I haven’t seen me in awhile.

Today I had to go in to the office (Ugh, YES again!) for an all day session. I saw a few guys I hadn’t seen in awhile and had no idea that I was pregnant. We shook hands and sat down. I kept feeling like the entire time they were staring at my stomach trying to determine what it was “massive weight gain due to marriage” or “knocked up” which one could it be?? I could also assume they were staring at my ever growing chest that I’m fairly certain could be on the cover of National Geographic at this point (any time I can give my readers a visual I will take it).

Since it’s inappropriate to randomly grab people and scream in their faces that “I’m pregnant..not fat!” I think TD would be mildly upset with me. I had to sit there awkwardly behind my plate of  salad (while my eyes were sealed on that brownie tray, which I didn’t eat because then they would totally think I was just fat at that point) and finish up the meeting without addressing my obvious stomach. So instead of being a complete weirdo and yelling in people’s faces to let them know that I’m pregnant even though they don’t care or didn’t ask, I’m going to hope this blog gets to anyone that is currently in Simsbury that I may come across this weekend so that we can avoid any uncomfortable encounters. 

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