Friday, March 2, 2012

Strollers are not for everyone…...

I’m going to start off by saying, yes we will indeed be buying a stroller and we will more than likely be using it. Probably very often as well. But we will be using it responsibly. Yes, there are people in the world that take advantage of the invention of the stroller.  

Top Five Examples of Stroller Abuse

5. When your child’s legs are touching the ground from the stroller and can basically Flintstone their way around.
4. Your child is not in the stroller but pushing it blindly through a busy store and into my heels while you are on your cell phone.
3. Your pocket book is now sitting in the stroller as your kid is roaming the store freely, or better yet attached to your wrist with a leash.
2. Listen octo-mom, I know that you have multiple children but strollers with more than three seats can NOT fit in the aisles of a boutique. Keep at least half the kids at home.
1. Strollers should not be allowed at Disney world. PERIOD. If your kid can’t walk around the park then do not buy he/she a ticket. It’s a waste of your money and just irritates me at the site of 500 strollers blocking my entrance to the Magic Kingdom. When we were kids we walked the whole way and when we got tired we left. We went to the pool took a nap and off we were again. I get that you want to get your moneys worth but you are just ruining everyone else’s time by squeezing your huge jogging strollers in the gift shops when your kid is just sitting there sleeping. I get that some people use strollers because your kids can’t walk yet but then again, why waste a ticket for them at Disney!?. This place isn’t going anywhere people.

Please use, don’t abuse.



  1. Agree. If the child can already walk, there's no need to put them in strollers. It would only teach them to be lazy.

  2. Funny example on #4 but it's really quite annoying!
