Monday, March 12, 2012

Cookies, Cadbury, and Carvel, oh my...

Some days I sincerely get nervous that I’m actually not pregnant and just getting really fat in my stomach and I have my own little panic attack that I’ll never fit in to any of my clothes again. That’s why I was thrilled that before I had a nervous breakdown we went to the doctor’s on Friday for our checkup. Here are our stats...

15 weeks- baby is about the size of an orange
My stomach is measuring 15cm (which apparently should equal the amount of weeks you are so I was pretty excited I wasn’t at 20cm at only 15 weeks.)
Heartbeat is 150
My Weight: 134 (I guess it’s only healthy to gain 25-35 at my height and starting weight so I get about 29lbs left before people will start judging me)
And Blood work looks good!

Based on this information there is a baby in there and I’m not slowly becoming a future contestant of “The Biggest Loser” so I’m completely at peace at this point. I’m glad I found this out before I went home to Simsbury where my mom greeted me with 1 box of Samoas Cookies (apparently they aren’t called Carmel Delights in other areas?!), 3 Cadbury eggs, one bag of Pirate Booty and a Carvel Ice Cake. So, I wanted to take a moment to say THANKS MOM! And I’m happy that I’m pregnant and could enjoy these delicious treats without feeling completely guilty that summer is just weeks away.  Anyways, I figured I’d take the time to give a breakdown of where we are at as our next appointment is not until April 12 and at that time we will hopefully be scheduling our 20 week Ultrasound to determine the sex and will have much more to report then!!

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