Monday, August 6, 2012

Celebrating the start of my 9th month with Mr. Braxton Hicks

I can’t believe that I’m 9 months pregnant. I never really thought the day would come but it has been a surprisingly speedy pregnancy with all things considering.

I’ve felt pretty well the past week or so. I’m very tired but I’m sleeping a lot better thanks to ice cream, one glass of milk and a piece of my chocolate calcium supplement right before bed. With this wonderful cocktail of dairy products I’m finding that I’m only getting up once in the middle of the night to use the restroom and then back to bed I go. So, I know I’m a complainer but in retrospect it hasn’t been too bad.

Even today I’ve had my first run in with some Braxton Hicks Contractions. I’ve never had these before but knew what they were right away from my obsessive checking of mommy blogs and Google searches. These again weren’t as bad as originally anticipated. My stomach just seemed to tighten up and then that was it. After about an hour or so of random spurts of tightness it kind of faded off leaving me feeling as though I did some ab workouts (at least I think I remember ab workouts feeling that way) and that’s really it. I think the reason for the contractions may have to do with me starting to drink some Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. This was something that I read on the mommy blogs and it turns out that a lot of people have heard of this before. I think people are keeping this little gem a secret because it was the first I heard about it.  Apparently if you drink this tea in your third trimester it helps strengthen your uterus and make contractions a lot easier. I’m all about a strong uterus and easier contractions so I’m drinking this about twice a day as I’m up for anything that can help assist with my plans of a “natural birth.” 

Besides the small trials and tribulations I’m very excited that things are going well still and I only have 4 weeks left until we meet our little girl. I know these 4 weeks will be the most difficult but as long as Gifford’s Ice Cream doesn’t go out of business I think I can do it.

So I give to you my 9th month (36 week) photo. Hubby is out mowing the lawn so please excuse the creepy self photo and empty closet as I put most of my clothing in storage since I’ve outgrown the majority of my pre-pregnancy clothes the day I found out I was pregnant. 


  1. looking good!! :) and umm amazing closet, it looks so big even with a 9 month pregnant lady in side of it!! haha no really you look great, good luck in the final weeks!

  2. Good luck! I did the raspberry leaf tea with my first and was only in labor for 3 hours... fingers crossed for you too :)
