Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I told myself that even if I’m on vacation I need not to slack on my blog because I do want to look at this and share some of these blogs with Avery when she grows up. Even though I’m sure she will probably care less by the time I think to show her this.

Since this summer is a little jammed packed between weddings, bridal showers, moving, etc… Jon and I have decided to make our family vacation to Martha’s Vineyard our official Babymoon as well since we will not have time to go anywhere by the time Avery gets here. It works out perfect because this will be the last family vacation without a little one around so I think most of us are enjoying our grown up time of sleeping in, drinking (not IL), not putting in car seats in to the car, eating when we want, basically being free of any baby strings and its been really nice.

As I sit here writing, my mom and aunt are cooking us dinner. My husband, sister and soon to be brother in law are playing “Rummikub” which seems confusing as all hell and my brother and dad are hanging on the couch with iPads in hand. It has been beyond relaxing and I’m truly excited that we were able to come here and do this.

Only problem thus far has been that I’m getting A LOT bigger.  Every single day it gets more and more scary. Today, we went on a tour of Gays Head and Oak Bluffs center and I needed to sit about 3 times, have about 5 bottled waters and contemplated wearing sneakers with my cute sundress due to my crampy feet and swollen calf from my Charlie horse the previous night. Highly attractive all around. 

Even though my body is changing each and every day I’m still happy that my feet are not too swollen and my body looks somewhat normal. So, I decided that before I grow much bigger that I would bite the bullet and take a Baby Bump bathing suit picture, because I’m sure I can show Avery when she gets older and embarrass the crap out of her. And since I haven’t posted a picture in awhile I figured I’d post a good one. I put away the maternity suit and shoved into my regular bikini. If pregnant women in bathing suits highly offend you then look away. Or don’t, I don’t care because I’m on vacation, I’m over 34 weeks pregnant and I’m excited that I can still squeeze my booty into this suit and I think I look good besides my ghost like complexion. J


  1. your arms are skinny!!! way to go! :)

  2. You look great! Have enjoyed reading your blog. Best of luck to you and your hubby!
