Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

I know I’m a big dork but I’m kind of excited to be chosen to be apart of the audience for the show BetterCT Baby Shower!!!

My friend Polly told me about the contest and it was basically to write a letter explaining why I deserve baby gifts. So, I wrote a little bit about my self, submitted my blog and BAM! Chosen. One of 22 pregnant women chosen to be apart of the show. Not that I did anything spectacular and it could be because not many people submitted a letter but I’m excited so lay off!

My friend Emily and I are going to go and sit in the audience and potentially have my letter read out loud on the air. I’m hoping with every part of my being that that does not occur. As much as it may seem the complete opposite, I absolutely hate attention. Especially when all eyes are literally on me. My Irish complexion turns every shade of red and it’s just utterly embarrassing. A trait that I hope Avery does not get.

Here’s the awesome part!!! Just for being apart of the audience they will be giving each pregnant women there 1300K worth of baby goodies!!!

My husband says I’m just going to get “Crap” and not to get my hopes up but I don’t care at all. I’m thuper excited to go for the experience and hopefully get a couple of diapers out of the deal.

So, if you are in the CT area, the show we are going to be on will be airing on Friday at 3pm on the local station (not even a clue what that is), so find it,  tune in and perhaps see me get completely red in the face as they share my awful letter about myself or just to look out for Emy and I in the audience and watch as  we sit there awkwardly waiting for some swag. 

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