Friday, June 15, 2012

Thanks, Truly...

When starting this blog,  I really thought that only my close family would be reading it. Along with my friends that were bored during their days at work and perhaps the poor random person that googled “pregnant advice” and was redirected to my blog and thus the reason for my candidness and no shame approach. I figured that writing about peeing my pants and my rapid weight gain would be no shocker to my friend’s and family.  I couldn’t believe it when I saw people were reading it not only from the US but all around the world. That’s insane!!  Along with exciting and kind of scary at the same time.

So, I wanted to say “Thanks” to all those that read each week when I post and that I really do appreciate all the kind words, support and funny comments. It’s great to know that some people can relate and that what I’m going through isn’t completely embarrassing and unheard of.

Please excuse this week’s “MySpace” like bump picture (admit it, all you ladies out there have taken at least one self portrait of yourself through a mirror to put on MySpace, and probably with a "duckface" to boot) but my husband is away for the weekend biking in the Trek Across Maine. I’ve included the link below if anyone is interested. If you can’t tell, I’m very proud of him. But due to his absence, I have to resort to this professional looking picture for this week’s post.

Here I am at almost 29 weeks!! I hope you all have a great weekend!!!



  1. You're tiny for 29 weeks! I'm pretty sure I looked like a house with both of mine long before 29 weeks :)

  2. Haha. I just wanna say, even though I haven't seen you since ohhh 9th grade, I read your blog all the way in Seattle, because it's just hilarious and very enlightening/ entertaining for those of us who do not have kids but plan to one day. Can't wait to see the kiddo!
