Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Take that Gestational Diabetes

There are very few times in my life that I have been nervous to take a test. I wasn’t even nervous for my SAT’s. Mainly because I was probably exhausted from going to a party the night before and the fact that I knew that I would still be able to get into Keene State College regardless of the score on my test. I’m fairly sure at that time you just had to have a pulse to get into the school. This is neither here nor there. There are only two tests I have gotten nervous for, driver’s test and my latest glucose test that I had the pleasure of taking yesterday.

For those of you that don’t know what a glucose test, it is a test that pregnant women usually take in their 24th -28th week of pregnancy. It is basically to test to see if you have gestational diabetes or high blood sugar. I think I can speak for all pregnant women that this is completely nerve raking!!

Basically you go in and they give you 50grams of a gross orange soda looking thing to chug in 5 minutes. If anyone knows me from college, chugging/beer funneling/ keg stands is not my forte. I would basically just upchuck if I even made an attempt. So I was more nervous about sucking this bad boy down then I was about anything else. Once you drink your orange liquid of disgusting, the clock begins. You have to sit there for an hour without eating or drinking (except water) until they are ready to take your blood. Usually, I’m a big girl and I can wait an hour. HOWEVER, my hospital has the worst cell phone reception on the planet and I couldn’t use my phone or internet. I’m going to try to convince my hubby to take them on as a client and work on enhancing their internet before I go into labor. I can not sit in a hospital for 10 plus hours without connection to the outside world.

Any who, I made it through. Normally, I would not be nervous about this because I’ve never had any health issues in the past but most the women around me that have been pregnant within the past 2 years have all either failed their first GT test and/or have been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes. I assumed with my intense ice cream addiction lately that I was about to be the next victim.

THANK THE LORD. Everything is fine. I passed my test and no gestational diabetes. More exciting is that I now won’t have to sit through the 3 hour follow up test because I passed the first one.

So excuse me as I continue to consume mass quantities of Gifford’s Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream until I give birth to this little girl. She may have a purplish skin tone by the end of this and weigh about 12lbs but she will understand someday.