Monday, June 18, 2012

Stretch Mark or Scratch?!?

There’s a new game I’ve been playing with my husband. It’s called “Stretch Mark or Scratch?!?” This is basically when I run into his office with my shirt up pointing at markings on my stomach screaming at him “is this a stretch mark or scratch?! Stretch Mark or Scratch, I ask?!” I don’t know what Jon’s more scared of. Me running into his office screaming like a crazy lady or scared that he may one day choose the wrong answer.

So far so good. I have not had any stretch marks and Jon has only uttered the words “uhhh, scratch”. But again, I’ve just started my third trimester and I assume all the scary stuff has just begun so there is still plenty of time for me to “earn my stripes.” Of course, there is nothing wrong with stretch marks and you usually can’t even tell when women have them (after the baby that is) but I think all you pregnant women out there would be lying if you said you weren’t worried about getting them as well.

I’m hoping that between my decent genetics and the fact that I basically drink Cocoa Butter that I should be safe for another month or so. Or I could be the lucky woman that gets stretch marks after birth. I’ve read all about that. Regardless, I’m still being extra cautious. One of my fellow pregnant friends recommended “Beautiful Belly Balm” to help as well and I will be buying at least 2 today. And my amazing friend Katherine got me organic belly balm for “Stretching and growing skin” which is obviously what is occurring. I’ve come way too far to not try every avenue.

Yes, yes. I know all you mothers out there will tell me “they will probably happen regardless and it is mainly genetics and not lotions so get a grip” but I don’t care. At least I know that I made a valiant effort in the war against stretch marks.

So for now, I will continue to scare the living crap out of my husband and pray to the Cocoa Butter gods that I can make it through this pregnancy with minimal “stripes.”

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like a fun game!! I might try it if we have another child, lol!! I remember the days of purple!!
