Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maternity are my nightmare

I just grew out of my second pair of maternity jeans. L Buying jeans is the absolute worst but buying maternity jeans takes the cake. There’s nothing like buying 50+ dollar jeans that you know you will either grow out of, or only wear while your pregnant. And then do what my mom did and burn those suckers when everything is said and done. You are looking at a girl that still has Paris Blue and Mudd jeans from junior high that I bought from Weathervane. If the pair of jeans makes me look good then I’m not getting rid of them. I’d rather look like a character straight out of Dawson’s Creek then go shopping at any retail store for a pair of jeans.

So granted, I hope to not be rocking jeans for a lot of the summer but you need your occasional jean day when it’s cool outside and I’m fairly sure Avery is suffocating every time I attempt to put on a size Medium maternity jean which is basically all I have. Well that and my single size small that stopped fitting shortly after I announced my pregnancy.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I will now be on the hunt for some large maternity jeans over the next weekend. I’m talking scary large. So large that this will be the last pair of maternity jeans I will ever have to buy, ever.

The only upside I see out of this entire ordeal is that I’m getting quite a booty and for anyone is familiar with the “McManus flat butt” you know that this has been a treat for me! I can wear my jeans and not look like a prepubescent skater boy wearing his pants too low. So thanks little Avery for that bonus!!

1 comment:

  1. Maternity clothes are fashioned to stretch where you need that, and also to conform to many of the curves of your new size and shape. Maternity garments are produced to help keep you comfy.
    maternity wear
