Depending on where you are looking, people say your third
trimester starts at different times. I read that your third trimester starts at your
28th weeks, I also read when you start your 6th month or at your 24th
week... Also, if a pregnancy is 40 weeks, doesn’t that mean I’ll be pregnant
for 10 months?! I’m always so confused. As if we don't have enough to worry about I have to sit down and do mathematical equation every time someone asks me how far along I am. Since my “What to Expect when you are
Expecting” iPhone application has
notified me that I’m in my third trimester I will be going by that! iPhone apps
have been extremely reliable throughout this entire process already so why stop
relying on them now.
I thought that by the time I hit my third trimester I’d be a
waddling balloon wearing overalls or a floral covered moo moo. I have not succumbed
to wearing my 90’s overall jean shorts but I have most certainly gotten bigger.
Three people in the past weekend made the EXACT same comment, “Oh, now you look
pregnant.” My mom, my aunt and my sister in law all said the same thing. This made
me both happy and sad. Happy that I’ve managed to get through over 6 months of
pregnancy not looking pregnant but sad that instead people assumed I was just
getting really fat. To be honest, I’m really happy about looking pregnant
because I sure as hell feel it.
We went to our third centering class on Thursday and Avery
has a heartbeat of 150. I’m measuring one week ahead of schedule ( I blame that
on the excessive amount of ice cream I’ve been having to battle my acid reflux, status: reflux is winning but ice cream is putting up a good fight)
but my doctor says the weight gain is good and my blood pressure is excellent.
It was probably the first time I’ve truly felt completely relived and felt that
everything is going well.
So, currently I’m 27 weeks pregnant, 13 weeks left to go and
I’m officially in my Third Trimester!!!! Let the swelling commence!!!!
You're doing great dear! :-)