Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hairy Scary

I will admit, I’m an absolute wuss. I have the pain tolerance of a small child. Even though I stub my big “Martin Toe” (this is a family thing) every other day on average and smack my long appendages into everything, I still can’t handle pain.

No, this is not me prematurely freaking out about the pains of child birth. I’m basically in denial and refuse to even think about that right now. I’m still trying to convince myself that it’s not “that bad” and that my baby will just roll out after I pass out from sheer embarrassment of an entire room looking at my “Who-Ha”.

This is neither here nor there, the pain I’m talking about is waxing. When you are pregnant some women have the delightful experience of having longer nails, lushes locks and excessive body hair. Since I’m an obsessive shaver anyway this has been no big issue for the past 6 months. Now with my ever growing  stomach and my toes becoming a distant memory it’s getting more and more difficult to reach my legs and nearly impossible to even see other areas.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m gaining weight but I refuse to be Sasquatch for the next 3 months. That’s why I’m thinking that I may need to start waxing. Maybe this is weird for a person my age but I’ve only had my eyebrows waxed one time in my entire life. Why do you ask? Could be because after my waxing experience I left the salon with 1 and ½ eyebrows or the fact that I almost died from the pain.

However, I’ll be making my first waxing appointment for next week. The whole enchilada! Basically my entire lower half. I’m completely petrified but for the good of myself, my marriage and the other people that will have the pleasure of seeing me in dresses this summer, I will be doing it!

Please stay tuned for my next post about treating inflamed skin while pregnant or the embarrassing moment in which I swear in  a complete stranger's face. 


  1. Oh my god Hahahaha I love you

  2. good luck!!! My lady said she has had ppl punch her in the face before....

  3. The first time you get waxed is the most painful because there is more hair to pull out and it's usually thicker. Do it regularly, and it hardly hurts at all. You are much more sensitive around the vulva during pregnancy though because of added bloodflow and pressure. So it might hurt even worse than it normally would. Maybe have your husband shave you instead. Cheap, pain free, kinky and fun/funny! Good luck either way.
