Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm very lucky.

Lately I’ve been acting almost like a 2 year old to my husband. It’s really not my fault. With these hormones I can’t seem to articulate what’s wrong with me. It’s tough to really get the words out. So, like a toddler, I turn to the only two things I can do, I hit him and/or cry uncontrollably. Calm down, I don’t hit him hard, not hard enough to leave a mark so you can’t prove anything.  It’s true though and I do feel bad so in honor of our 8 months of being married and 3 years together, I’d like to list my top 5 reason why I’m grateful for my husband. Especially during these past 5 months of being pregnant.

5. He gets me ridiculous ice cream requests. Yesterday was black raspberry ice cream with extra, extra, extra, extra chocolate sprinkles. And he delivered!

4. This week he did attempt to make me dinner. I think we may be suffering the cancerous repercussions later for consuming burnt food but I appreciate the effort and the Shepard's pie didn’t taste bad. J

3. He watches Revenge with me on Wednesday nights. This is the only thing that helps me get through the work week and I think he realizes that and doesn’t say a word about it

2. When I’m tucked cozy in to bed with my amazing Boppy pregnancy pillow (Super Sexy addition to our bedroom set I may add) he will get me water and take the dog out every night. 

1. Lastly, I know it’s tough for him but he keeps a straight face when I cry about anything and everything and doest make fun of me or say a word. He sits there and he just listens to all the completely idiotic things I have to say.

And for all that, I’m a very lucky girl. J

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