Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pregnancy Brain

It was nice to see another fellow preggers write on her Facebook wall about Pregnancy Brain because most people don’t believe me that this is an actual thing. Yes, I’m a complete ditz and most people that grew up with me know that but I rarely forget a lot of things. In the past couple of weeks I’ve forgotten everything!! I think people are just starting to think I’m inconsiderate so I wanted to clear this up now.

If we have talked on the phone in the past couple of weeks, I promise you I was listening, but now I have no idea what we have talked about. My poor friend Katherine told me about her wonderful trip that she was about to go on to Chicago with her boyfriend, you’d think I’d remember that right? Nope, I’m fairly certain I was just as surprised the third time she brought it up to me than I was the first.

I’m even forgetting about FOOD. For a pregnant woman this is craziness. I make myself a nice breakfast for my husband and I to eat in bed but in the process, I put the breakfast down on a bureau to go take a quick call for work and then that was it. I didn’t even remember the breakfast until I was talking to my mom at around 2:00pm that afternoon. I looked up and said, “Oh, right.” Who does that?

And the worst pregnancy offense, leaving my dog out in the rain. I’m a TERRIBLE person, I know this. But this morning I brought the dog out like I normally do but then received an email for work, which led to another, another and then another. Ugh, by the time I realized that I left the dog outside it had been at least 15 minutes. Poor dog is sopping wet and just looks at my completely disgusted. I felt horrible.

So for everyone out there, yes, pregnancy brain does exist. It’s not an excuse it’s a fact. So forgive me for seeming self-absorbed and if I'm not listening because I am. You just will have the pleasure of telling me about your story during our next phone call as well and I promise I'll act just as excited to hear it. Fact. 

1 comment:

  1. You know what happens after pregnancy brain? New mommy brain. Real thing. I didn't believe it either, but it took about a year for the fog to start to clear. I think it is due to sleep deprivation.
