Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sausage hands..

I feel like such a dud. There is nothing new, exciting or interesting going on with this baby at all. I’m not saying my baby is lame but she’s really just doing nothing. And I’m feeling relatively good for the most part. Yes, I still have heartburn but ice cream is really doing the trick, and I’m still tired but isn’t everybody?

I think the only new symptom that I have is that my fingers and toes have swollen to mini sausages. It’s highly attractive. I told my boss about it and his only response was “Oh, sorry you have man hands.” He is very sympathetic to my situation. So my emails and blogs are a little more difficult to type and it takes me a little bit longer to get them out. The only big downer about this new developing symptom is that I will soon need to part with my wedding band and engagement ring. I’ve taken off all the other rings besides those two and I’m struggling with the decision.

I heard that if you decide to leave them on and they can’t take them off at the time of delivery they will have to cut them off your fingers. So this has set me into a mild panic because if they cut them off, I don’t think hubby will be replacing that engagement ring anytime soon. So, in the next week or so I’ll be taking the plunge. Between having no wedding ring and a face full of acne I’m basically the best candidate to be on the next installment of “16 and Pregnant” because lets face it, not all those girls are 16. I’m sure Maine is on their list of “Go-to” states for future stars so just keep me in mind if you hear about a casting call.   

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