Friday, May 25, 2012

Meanie Head

People say some ridiculous things to pregnant women. I don’t really understand why. Everyone knows that pregnant women are usually not in their best shape, have problems with their skin and they are hormonal. So why say anything at all? I jotted down the top 5 nicest things people have said to me this week and the meanest, including the absolute meanest of all mean. All very true…

5. Mean: The person doing my toes told me my big toe was “very big” and proceeded to tell me that I would need a “Spa Pedicure” because of how bad my feet looked. Well if I could see them, I’d probably care more.

4. Nice: My husband told me that I looked very sexy this week and I wasn’t even wearing makeup to cover my acne ridden face. He’s catching on to how this whole pregnancy thing works. Compliments and ice cream has allowed him to have a very peaceful existence these last 6 months.

3. Mean: Girl on “Baby” told me that she read my blog and thought that it was “OK” and “Not things most pregnant women could relate to.” Uhhh, OK, your right. Pregnant women don’t care about naming their child, they don’t wear maternity clothes and they hate food. I should be talking more about  high heels and martinis. Maybe for the next one.

2. Nice: My sister in law told me today that I don’t even look pregnant from the backside. This was even with me sporting non-maternity yoga pants after an enormous B-Fast. Best thing all day. 

1. Meanest thing ever: Awhile back my hair stylist looked at me and said “You are going to have a girl. When you find out what you are having ask me how I knew that.” So, yesterday while I’m at my appointment I asked her “How did you know I was having a girl???” Her response” Well, it was from an old wives tale.” I asked her “Which one??” She said “The one that says that when you are pregnant with a girl, she sucks all the beauty out of her mom and you just look so tired.”

Yes, my hairdresser basically told me I was ugly and then to add insult to injury, decided to give me “The Rachel.” Not our finest appointment together. I do usually like her a lot and she normally does a good job when she isn’t insulting my physical features while giving me nostalgic 90’s locks so I will be going back and yes I did still tip her.

Bottom Line: Unless you are handing a pregnant women ice cream or something as equally as delicious, you don’t get to say anything remotely negative to her. And if you are, that better be a big ice cream.

1 comment:

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