We’ve finally come up with a decision!!
We are naming our little girl….
Avery Ann Levesque
We appreciate all the input and suggestions from everyone.
It gave us a lot to think about.
People may be wondering, what is the reason behind this
Well, it’s simple. “Avery” was the first name on a street
sign we saw after we found out it was a girl. I assume this is how most people
decide on their unborn child’s name, looking outside the window while driving
and saying the names on street signs until one sticks. Besides that, we both
really liked it and we eventually figured that it was a sign (literally and
metaphorically) and since we could both agree on it, we would go with it. Ann
was simple enough as this is after my mom and a name I’ve always liked.
Spelling was the only other thing we weren’t sure about. I
kind of liked spelling it “Avary.” That way we could call her “Ava” for short. That
is until one of the good natured mommy bloggers pointed out that it was one
letter away from the word “Ovary” and completely ruined it for me. So we are
sticking with the original spelling as I’m sure our little girl will have a
tough enough time growing up with a uni-sex name. Though I'm sure I'll call her "Ava" for short just to confuse things.
There you have it. Only took us a month and half but we
figured it out.
All in all, if you are planning on having kids I’d recommend
thinking about names now. There’s just so much to consider that you don’t even
think about and by the time you find out if it’s a boy or a girl all you want
to do is name ‘it.” Or, just do what we did and name your child after a street
sign on the way home from the hospital.