Friday, September 28, 2012

Our First Month!

Today was Avery’s one month appointment. I love going to the pediatrician. Yes, getting a newborn ready and out the door is a pain in the butt sometimes because you really need to plan eating and changing at just the right time so that when you do arrive your baby doesn’t have a meltdown for one reason or another. Despite that, I love to see them because it’s nice to be constantly reassured that your baby is fine and not to worry so much. I am worrier and google is my best and worst friend. Even during pregnancy I was  huge worrier so of course now that she is outside my body I’m going to worry even more.  

Avery’s issues so far have been, losing too much weight, yeast under the arm pits, diaper rash, mass amounts of spit up and now recently constipation. These are all SO not a big deal. But when it happens, it really screws up your baby’s and as a result, your day pretty nicely.  We’ve been lucky that it has all been minor issues and most of them have gone away. So when I went to the pediatrician today they said she looked awesome and gave us Avery’s stats for the first month...

Basically she is a peanut for her age...

She weights 7lbs 9oz and is the 15th percentile (meaning only 15% of babies are smaller than her)
Her height is 20 inches and is in the 20th percentile
Her head is 13 3/4in and is in the 12th percentile.

So there you have it. Our baby is still a very small baby so I’m working overtime to get her as chunky as possible so that she can fit into some of these adorable outfits. And let’s face it, everyone loves a chunky baby.

To end the entry, I wanted to share some things I have learned about being a mom this past month and what I’ve learned about myself. Hopefully some mamas out there can relate.

  1. Eating and sleeping are no longer necessary. But if you had to choose, sleeping will always win.
  2. Speaking of sleeping, if you get 3-4 hours in a row, then congratulations, you have officially received a full night’s sleep. You are one of the lucky ones.
  3. Eating is officially a game. You either need to eat as fast as you can before the little one wakes up, or learn how to eat one handed real quick.
  4. People care more about how you are feeding your child then how your child is actually doing. Even though I’m pumping, formula and breastfeeding, I will still be judged. And if you are solely formula feeding, get ready for some undeserved scrutiny. This usually comes from the most unlikely people ever, those that never had an issue with breastfeeding and men.
  5. I checked to make sure Avery was breathing at least 20 times a night during the first week. She was.
  6. You never thought you could get so excited about poop in your babies diaper.
  7. Boobs are no longer a private body part and you don’t even care.
  8. Sleeping when the baby sleeps is good in theory
  9. Spit up or drool on your shirt is no big deal. If it dries quick or is not that much then the shirt is still good to wear
  10. You truly forget about your life before the baby. Everything is now about them. Being selfish is no longer an option and you end up being OK with that. J
 Also, check out the new pages I’ve added to track how both Avery and I are doing.

Happy one month Ms. Avery!!

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