How hard is it to lose baby weight? I mean seriously
girls. I lost 20lbs in less than 2
weeks. I totally got this!! Yeah, RIGHT!
I did sincerely lose 20lbs in less than 2 weeks. I lost so
much weight that our pediatrician told me that this was the cause of my lack of
milk supply and that I would need to start eating 3000 to 3500 calories a
day!!!! Are you kidding?? So as a first time panicked mom I went home and ate
as many oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (oatmeal is supposed to increase milk
supply) as my doughy tummy could possibly handle. After doing this for another
week while continuing to breast feed I actually went up a couple of pounds. Of
course, I never even came close to consuming 3000 let alone 3500 calories but I
ate a lot more than I normally would.
So now here I am, 2 months post partum and lost only a single
pound this month so I’m currently 147. Basically the same weight I was last
month before I gained weight due to some terrible advice. And as a side note,
the excessive eating did not help and I dried up like “Tan Mom’s” face. So
after 6 weeks of breastfeeding I ran dry which also put my weight lose at a
screeching halt. The good news is, my midwife approved me to start exercising
so hopefully moving my body a bit may help with the slim down process.
With all this being said. I GET IT. It’s tough to be a new
mom and attempt to shrink down to your pre-preggo size when you have a newborn
crying, you are exhausted and dinner consists of either frozen foods or take
out. And it’s fall so bring on the fatty pumpkin lattes, delicious pumpkin
beers and of course all the baked goods that this time has to offer.
Bottom line, don’t be so quick to criticize a mom for not
losing all her pre-preggo weight within the first year. Most of us are not
wealthy actresses and models that have someone to care for our babies while we
go exercise and have a cook prepare the meals. However, I haven’t given up on my attempts and I hope
now with the exercise blessing from my midwife I can get a move on but I’m
going to stop beating myself up and enjoy my beautiful baby, our new life and
my flabby belly that made it all happen.
Stay tuned for Avery’s status on Tuesday after we visit the pediatrician.
Before: 9 Months
After: 8 weeks postpartum