Wednesday, December 5, 2012

CMS: Competitive Mom Syndrome.

I don’t know if this is an actual clinical term but it should be, since this is a very real "disorder" that every new mom has whether it is a mild or a full blown case.

As mom’s we have a tendency to want the best for our kids so we always want to make sure that they are progressing normally. Of course, this is definitely a new mom tendency as I’m sure after you have had a few you are confident that at some point your child will learn to walk and talk before they go to college.

I like to think I have a relatively mild case of CMS. I love to see other’s baby pictures, see statuses, and just love talking to other moms about everything babies and their experiences. I’m generally happy for and impressed by most new moms.  But of course, there is always the side of me that looks at another baby and I say to myself, “Wait, how many months is that baby??? Three months and he/she is already rolling over?? What the heck??” And then off I go grabbing my daughter for some tummy time that she absolutely hates so that she doesn’t fall behind.

I’ve gotten a lot better about it. Mainly because I see that Avery has many other strengths. First off, she was very early to smile. She was smiling pretty big even within a few weeks (no, not gassy smiles) but legitimate ear to ear, cheesetastic smiles. She was also great at grabbing at things. She would find your finger and wouldn’t let it go. And of course, the continuous rapid growth of her hair is a focal point when I bring her out in the world. Out of all of Avery’s great strengths, I think her ability to grow an immense amount of hair is one that gets her the most attention.

With that being said, she hates, hates, hates to be on her stomach and therefore has not started rolling over yet. Not back to front, front to back, nothing. I assume that she will at some point roll over so I’m not stressing just yet.

Some mom’s may think that this is no big deal that Avery hasn’t rolled yet, and they are right. But I'm a mom and I get to worry now no matter how big or small. And I'll probably still compare Avery and myself against other mom's and babies for a few more months. Which brings me to this.... here are the top 3 things that I think that most mom’s are the most competitive about during the first few months and the things that I'm finally realizing doesn't matter as much as it used to. What do you think?

  1. Breastfeeding. Totally one of the most competitive topics I think surrounding motherhood. How much are you producing? How long will you be doing it for? How much do you have stored? I, of course, have failed miserably. Not producing, not doing it, nada stored. Oh well.
  2. Post baby body. How much have you lost? How quickly did you lose it? Do you fit in your pre preggo pants? I’ve lost 24lbs, took me 3 months, still rocking my maternity jeans. Post baby body is totally not a priority of mine. Spending time with Avery has trumped going to the gym and obsessing about weight. I’ll get back to where I need to be, on my time.
  3. Sleeping habits: How long does your baby sleep? Sleeping in nursery or your room? And of course the question of all time, Is your baby sleeping through the night? Avery sleeps only a few hours throughout the day (she literally doesn’t want to miss a thing), she still sleeps in our room, and NO, she is not sleeping through the night. Avery wakes up about once a night. I don’t mind her waking up in the middle of the night if it’s just once. It’s still tough stuff to do a 2am feeding but during my late nights I can create fun  and somewhat creepy gems like this…